The strap-line to our vision is ‘Loving God; Loving People’ and is based on the reply Jesus gave to the question ‘What is the greatest commandment?’ Jesus gave two answers!
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” (Luke chapter 10 verses 25-27).
Our desire is to worship our loving God with everything that we are and do. As well as looking up in worship we also seek to look out in serving others.
Our vision is ‘to be a worshipping, welcoming, growing Church for all ages, committed to seeing people’s lives and communities transformed by the love of God in Jesus Christ.’
Portishead Methodist church has been a part of the local community since the mid 1800’s. Having started in a rented house as a missional congregation within the village the congregation moved to its present site in 1887.
Along with a multi-generational, growing Sunday congregation, our building is offered as a community space for the town.
Over the years the church has gone through major renovations and redevelopments building the Wesley Centre, which offers a large hall, a small meeting room and a semi-commercial kitchen to local community groups throughout the week.
The Methodist Church
We are part of the Methodist Church nationally so we have a close relationship with our sister church at Redcliffe Bay Methodist Church
The Methodist Circuit
We are also part of the local Methodist circuit which has 8 churches covering Nailsea, Pill, Clevedon & Yatton as well as connected to the national Methodist organisation
We are part of an active group of Christians throughout the town. Our church leaders meet weekly to talk and pray and we regularly arrange events and activities to build one another up and to share the love of God to everyone.
Trinity Anglican Methodist Primary School
We have an active partnership with Trinity Anglican Methodist Primary school working with the staff, children and families in worship and support.
You don’t have to be a Methodist to join us!
We have many people from different types of churches and none.